January 29, 2006

“Rosie The Dog”
Your Active Profile:
I am a: dog
Seeking a: dog
Interested In: Friendship, Capering, Walks, Snausages
Age: 2
Location: Northampton, Massachusetts
Country: United States
Occupation: dog
Education: I am lerning not to bark at teh woman downstairs
Ethnicity: black
Religion: spiritual
Star Sign: ???
Relationship Status: Single
Have Children: No
Want Children: spade 🙁
Height: 2′ 0″
Weight: 30 lbs
Hair: black
Eye Color: brown
Cigarettes: Never
Booze: Never
Drugs: Never
Self-love: What
Self-deprecation: Never
Last great book I read:
The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
Most humbling moment:
One time I got my nails clipped and I peed myslf!!?
Celebrity I resemble most:
I hav heard Chtistna Ricci but I dont see it
Best or worst lie I’ve ever told:
I dont care abtou tht snaugage right now
If I could be anywhere at the moment:
In the woods!!!!!!!!
do you hav any snausages? or do yuo knwo where we could get som. chek yuor pokets, they are soemtimes in ther
January 28, 2006
January 26, 2006
a lot of you have been asking why i havent had any best days of my life recently Well this is because jeff caught something called a job. its not the same as wehn it was all of us together . the other best day of my life was wehn they both got fired. i hope jeff gets fired soon  good times
January 25, 2006
here is two moer drawings scent from a reader named Little Susie Jenkins. she says theyr of Rachel The Cat. they are good but Rachel doesnt realy wear a tophat
January 22, 2006
Netflix you blew it again this movie doesnt have one single dog Al Pacinos performance is a triumpf
January 20, 2006

were watching you
January 19, 2006
i just want to say that i cant help it if i dont get into the car right away when a walk is over. i mean, i kno its over but i dont want it to be. like when the new guy gave me liver treats and i ate them until i got direa. i dont know if you that ever happens to you. any way thanks for carrying me
January 18, 2006
first off, gardin trols. they giv me the willies.
and peopel made from snow. i saw one last weak at teh river place and barked and jennifer laffed so i peed on it!!!!!!? but i was still scerred.

here is a drawing scent from a reader named Little Susie Jenkins and I think its of me. Little Susie Jenkins says she is a real person. She is a big fan of me She also writes:
Thank you Rosie for being such a good dog. Good dog! Good girl!
thank you Little Susie Jenkins. You suond like a good girl too
January 16, 2006
you kno, sometimes I think that we spend our hole lifes waiting for someone to give us a snausage. Maybe instead of waiting for somewon to give us a snausage, we should go out and find our own snausages, that way the happieness and joy we feel from getting the snausage would come from inside ourselves.
anyway, here I am, waiting for a snausage
January 14, 2006
January 13, 2006
January 12, 2006
January 9, 2006
January 8, 2006
January 7, 2006
January 5, 2006
Thanks alot Netflix. This movie had no coyotes at all!