April 10, 2008

its tacks tiem

Filed under Helpful Advice by Rosie The Dog...

well its April and everyone noes what that meens. except for me. Im a dog.

but I think that meens its tacks tiem. Alot of you will be doing your tackses this weekend. I am grately concerned about tacks. first, you will need a stick like the one i have in the pickture. sit down with the stick and bite the end. then bite the middle. Then bite the other end. Then you might want to work on the middle sum moer. its all up to you!

wehn you are done you will be reddy to do your tackses. sometiems it is loanly doing your tackses.

April 2, 2008

sock market tips

Filed under Helpful Advice by Rosie The Dog...

Alot of peopel ask me about th sock market. if the sock market is up or if the sock market is down. peopel say yuo should get rid of your sock. i donut think so. you should always hold on to your sock.