June 22, 2006

yes! I conisder myself a gormay

Filed under Food Holes by Rosie The Dog...

Somteims I liek to enyoj a nice staek with brandie souss and a soviyawn blank, and somtiems I liek a nice chiken parmashaun, and someteims I liek a dirty donut that I find on teh naybors lawn. Delcious!

June 10, 2006

lazey saturday

Filed under Friends,Midafternoon Naps by Rosie The Dog...

me and Rachel liek to sleep in on Saturdays, and Sundays, and Teusdays, and most every otehr day too. we hav vary active livestyels so its ok.

June 3, 2006

rainey sleepytiem day

Filed under Friends,Midafternoon Naps by Rosie The Dog...


I am famoose!!!?

Filed under Friends by Rosie The Dog...

HAY I was in teh LOCEL BUZZ paper liek Rachel was:


I sur hope Rachel sees it so she will stop being so stuck up. But I kno she wont.