March 24, 2011
I went for a walk with pineapple and my boyfriend kodey and jennifer this weekend and it was the best day of my life.
jeff was sik so he dident come but i brought him a tick. that reminds me it is almost ticks time so dont for get to do your your tixes! i am a ticks expert so ask me anything! for instens ,always deklair your dependants which means your ticks you can deklair each one so count carefully~`~! you get money back and money is good so chek your pokets for money!
here i am with pineappel and my boyfrend kodey and som other picturs i forget what
January 30, 2011
July 22, 2010
Kodey came over liek he does most every day many times every day and we all went for a walk, do you want to, do you want to go for a walk, go for a walk?

March 6, 2010
October 4, 2009

Hay you guys it’s fall and a gurl dogs thots natrally tunr to L-U-F-F if yuo kno what I maen
Kodey is a gud boy!
Gud boy!
September 8, 2009
April 15, 2009
hay YUO guys it’s spring and it’s so nice outside their are deer and thar are miec and there are PORKYPINEZ and they’re are fockses and its sooo niec outside I love to rolle in teh grass.

December 21, 2008
Me and Jeff and Jennifer and pineappel went for a walk in the woods today and it snoed and
it was the best day of my life.
May 22, 2008
Me and Jeff and Jennifer climbed a mountain yesterday and it was the best day of my life.
Everything is really prefect just the way it is. I lik how things dont really change but lik how sometims i live by a big water hole and sometimes i live by a creak or sometims i eat a donought or sometimes i eat a littel mous but really everything stays the same and it is prefect.

March 26, 2008
Me and Jeff and Jennifer went for a walk and it was the best day of my life.
My boyfrend kodey came with us. here is my boyfrend kodey .
did yuo now he is the mayor of where i live. I didnae no this but it makes perfect sents.
omigod you guys its spring
hello birds hello rabbits i am watching yuo
hello micehole hello gees!
hello kodey!
last night at our house we saw deers and a coyotey and focks! i donut liike coyoteys they are a bad influence but i love deers
everybody is out becaus it is spring
here is me and rachel napping.
February 20, 2008
this is were we live now it is pretty cool
here are my favorit things about this pla>ce;
in order of preferens:
B: My boyfrend, that big yellow dog
2. it is very quite . see 1)
3) i donut like the fockses but i like to bark at them so put them on the list. also we left granola bars for them becos fockses like granola bars but i got to eat a coupel!!!
f. otters and skwirrels and mice yes yes yes
d. i saw a moos!!! also deer.
7 i lik a nice vew and this place has rilly nice vews
ps fockses perfer peanut butter granola bars if you want sum chek yer pokets for peanut butter
February 19, 2008
I kno youve been wondring what ive been doing. I HAVE A BOYFREND. his name is kodey or something lik that . here is his pikture
he is very, good boy and a good kisser but he cant outrun me!!! lol
also did you know about porkpines? i did not but now i know. it turns they arenot made out of pork at all . here is a pikture of when i found out

we dont live inthe same place any more no more lake but now theres a creak and there are otters. do you know what an otter is? i donut but am trying to find out
also there are fockses. i donut like them
anyways i am good and rachel is too i had shrimps the other day i love shrimps. also sink cheese it is wet but good too
i went for a walk in the woods this morning and it was THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE but i didnt take piktures
anyways you be good.
May 20, 2006
May 16, 2006
have you ever seen a moos????? i saw won today and i chased her all through the woods but it turns out ehy dont rilly play all that good. yuo should have seen her run tho!!!!! i liek moos but i dont kno if they like me
anyways if you see a moos chek yer pokets for moos snausages
May 11, 2006
April 16, 2006
April 2, 2006
March 11, 2006
ohmygod you guys its sprign. today i found a ded fish at the lake. i held it in my food hole. jeff threw it in the lake but ohmygod you guys. i smel good. do you want to smel me can i smel you???! ohmygod you guys its sprign helo birds helo squirls helo
February 25, 2006
January 28, 2006
January 26, 2006
a lot of you have been asking why i havent had any best days of my life recently Well this is because jeff caught something called a job. its not the same as wehn it was all of us together . the other best day of my life was wehn they both got fired. i hope jeff gets fired soon  good times
January 19, 2006
i just want to say that i cant help it if i dont get into the car right away when a walk is over. i mean, i kno its over but i dont want it to be. like when the new guy gave me liver treats and i ate them until i got direa. i dont know if you that ever happens to you. any way thanks for carrying me
January 14, 2006
January 13, 2006
January 12, 2006