Hay Yuo Guys It’s Fall
Marry Cristmes Evrybody
alot of peopel complane to me about christmes. Wear are the Hot Dogs they say? and their arenot usually hambergers either but that is ok becos christmes is not about receaving it is about giving,
like today jeff and jennifer gave me a Hot Dog and it was the best day of my life so you see it is really about thinking about others insted of yerself.
hay today is my anniversery I have been having a webcite four yeers now which is pretty amazing mostley becos I am a dog. alot of dogs donut have a webcite at all never mind one for four yeers.
do you have any snausages? chek yer pockets for christmes snausage. it is lintey but good.
post hollyday depresshun

First I at: panckes.
Then I at: bacon
Then I had a bon
Then I had sum ches
Then I had sun shirmp
Then I has sum roast beaf
Then I had cupcak
Now I have stomch ake
Marry Chrismas everybuddy
hello everywon
I kno youve been wondring what ive been doing. I HAVE A BOYFREND. his name is kodey or something lik that . here is his pikture

he is very, good boy and a good kisser but he cant outrun me!!! lol
also did you know about porkpines? i did not but now i know. it turns they arenot made out of pork at all . here is a pikture of when i found out

we dont live inthe same place any more no more lake but now theres a creak and there are otters. do you know what an otter is? i donut but am trying to find out
also there are fockses. i donut like them
anyways i am good and rachel is too i had shrimps the other day i love shrimps. also sink cheese it is wet but good too
i went for a walk in the woods this morning and it was THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE but i didnt take piktures
anyways you be good.
cheking in

donut worry everyone. i have been very bizy with many things. fur instance, i have been going on walks. would you like to go for a walk? go for a walk?
Here is what i have been up too. I have eaten a lot of cheese in this past year. i am an expert on cheese. i like a good cammembear and parmeshan or a nice floor cheese. do you lik cheese?
i dont have much to say write now i just wanted to say donut worry, everybudy is reeally good in fakt this week im at the beach. mebbe somewon will help me post picktures later because im not allowed to efteepee because my spelling is atroshush.
best day of my life
rosie pome
This is a pome rote for me by Monica Slayton. what good pome! Yuo are a gud girl! gud girl Monica!
Walking Rosie
Far from where the earth bends
Under the weight of concrete
Exhaust fumes
By the smell of
Mother Nature’s perfume
A path winds its way
Between the oak and the pine
Under the limbs
of a fallen birch
Leaning across the way
Where the seldom trod trail
Is softened by fallen leaves
A path well marked
Or perhaps not
On experience
Or your nose
Through the quiet beauty
Past a secluded lake
Along a sparkling stream
Where the birds
Flit amongst the shadows
And animals peek out at you
Where the eagle soars overhead
Fishing in a hidden waterfall
Where Rosie runs
One hundred paces ahead
Glancing back
Just to check
On Mom and Dad
Then back to the task
Sniffing, exploring
Perhaps an old log
Catches her attention
Bounding, pouncing
Concerned only about bears
And wolves
Perhaps a rabbit
No thought given to traffic
Or fire hydrants
Just doing what dogs do
When surrounded by
Undisturbed nature.
I am glad and Yuo are right to say i am concerned about bears because they concern me grately. Thank yuo. No one has written me a pome before. pee ess: i live in massachoosets. I thought everywon did.
loanly in the yard
Sometiems I hav to admit itsa littel scerry being outside without a leesh. Sometiems I get a little loanly but then Jeff and Jennifer coem outside then its not as scerry anymore. And, sometiems we play ball!!whcih I am very gud at anyway Rachel and I live ner a big water hole now

rainey sundae
hay! hav you seen yor shoe?
jerkey is good
I have learned their is such a thing called jerkey we went to aparty the oterh ngiht and a nice ladey fed me pieces of jerkey and combos. combos are good to, but jerkey is the best!!!!! HAY do you have any jerkey? chek yer pokets
yes! I conisder myself a gormay

Somteims I liek to enyoj a nice staek with brandie souss and a soviyawn blank, and somtiems I liek a nice chiken parmashaun, and someteims I liek a dirty donut that I find on teh naybors lawn. Delcious!
thank yuo for asking

Peopel have been asking me if I kno how bad my breathe smells. Yes I do but its always nice too hear. Thank yuo so much.
how to send me snausages
thank yuo for asking
Many peopel have been asking how to send me snausages. i am prety sure this is how it works
- on your computer box press the button that makes the tray come out
- put the snaussage on the tray yuo might have to flatten it a littel
- push the tray back into your comptuer box\
Presto!i will get the snasuage in my computer in just secends!!!
Jeffs berthday
Yesterday was Jeffs berthday we had stake lots of stake. we had chocklit cake to but i didnt get any. i dont kno why.
I liek stake ok do yuo hafe suom? chek yr pokets. for poket stake.
need a losenge
last nite i had a cawf like when you get a litle tickel in yer throat do you have a losenge or maybe a snausage????? Check yer pokets
waiting for snausage
you kno, sometimes I think that we spend our hole lifes waiting for someone to give us a snausage. Maybe instead of waiting for somewon to give us a snausage, we should go out and find our own snausages, that way the happieness and joy we feel from getting the snausage would come from inside ourselves.
anyway, here I am, waiting for a snausage

ok also
ok on top of the table turns out there’s way more food than on the floor where I usually sit. Tnogiht will be raviolo night and I for one can’t wait
last night
hey you guys last night I got to sit at the table with Jeff and Jennifer. I didn’t want to at first but aftr they asked about seventy times or so I said ok. It was the best night of my life
People have been mailing me asking when the search box will work. All I can say is lay off I’m a dog. It is kind of a miracle that I can have a blog at all. Never mind one with a search.