February 3, 2012

i think we need to talc
Lissen you gyus ai think its time we talked abuout mit rommy.
i herd he wants to be press ant but i also herd he put hsi dog on top of his car and drove twelf howers. i dont no what twlef howers is but i kno i dont want to ride on top of a car i dont even lik to put my hed out teh window.
so lissen i dont no why this guy wants to be in charg of ants but im serios ride inside do not ride on top of a car.
listen chek your pokets for ants.
thats just my take and im not really politikal unless you have bonz in which case i wil voat for yuo
im glad we talked about thsi
July 28, 2008
she smells terribel and i rilly lik that in a persen.
March 16, 2008
I donut like baths very much but it is ok also jeff cut my fingernales and brushed me and now i am clean and my nails are short
have you ever had a day like this? i hop e not. but it is ok.
maybe something good is for dinner.
March 7, 2008
i have been watching focks news all day and i dont see any fockses
I do not think this is fare and balance like they say it is .
fare and balance=fockses. so they are not.
and you have to watch out for fockses becos they will steel yor snausages and anything else you have , like if you have a boyfrend like i do they will steel yor boyfrend
watch out for fockses! never let them sleep with you. I am not a focksist i just think its best when they are not around
Anyways heres anotehr pikture of me and my boyfrend
April 13, 2006

i dont know what a job is but i dont think their a very good thing and you shood be careful not to catch one. jeff and jennifer both have jobs and it makes them sik. i have a naturly healthy sistem tho so i havent ever had one
remember to
- always wash you hands
- dont drink out of the toilet
- if you feel a job coming on drink lots of watr to flush your sistem
- jobs are contagus if you see someone who has a job you shood walk the other way kwikly
January 26, 2006
January 18, 2006
first off, gardin trols. they giv me the willies.
and peopel made from snow. i saw one last weak at teh river place and barked and jennifer laffed so i peed on it!!!!!!? but i was still scerred.
December 27, 2005
oops its the landlords car. My bad