Me and Jeff and Jennifer went for a walk and it was the best day of my life.
My boyfrend kodey came with us. here is my boyfrend kodey .
did yuo now he is the mayor of where i live. I didnae no this but it makes perfect sents.
omigod you guys its spring
hello birds hello rabbits i am watching yuo
hello micehole hello gees!
hello kodey!
last night at our house we saw deers and a coyotey and focks! i donut liike coyoteys they are a bad influence but i love deers
everybody is out becaus it is spring
here is me and rachel napping.
I donut like baths very much but it is ok also jeff cut my fingernales and brushed me and now i am clean and my nails are short
have you ever had a day like this? i hop e not. but it is ok.
maybe something good is for dinner.
i have been watching focks news all day and i dont see any fockses
I do not think this is fare and balance like they say it is .
fare and balance=fockses. so they are not.
and you have to watch out for fockses becos they will steel yor snausages and anything else you have , like if you have a boyfrend like i do they will steel yor boyfrend
watch out for fockses! never let them sleep with you. I am not a focksist i just think its best when they are not around
Anyways heres anotehr pikture of me and my boyfrend