Somteims I liek to enyoj a nice staek with brandie souss and a soviyawn blank, and somtiems I liek a nice chiken parmashaun, and someteims I liek a dirty donut that I find on teh naybors lawn. Delcious!
Very nice Rosie. May I suggest a cabernet sauvignon or maybe even a lovely soft Washington state syrah with your staek with brandie souss. Try it, you’ll like it. Hope you come and visit Snowball soon. He is missing you. Woof, woof, slobber, slobber, Mom
Very nice Rosie. May I suggest a cabernet sauvignon or maybe even a lovely soft Washington state syrah with your staek with brandie souss. Try it, you’ll like it. Hope you come and visit Snowball soon. He is missing you. Woof, woof, slobber, slobber, Mom
Comment by Rayona — June 27, 2006 @ 4:13 pm